April 14, 2015

The Wars to Come

While the title is a Game of Thrones reference this post is not about the fantastic show on HBO. No, the title is a hint about my future. I mean, it might be a bit dramatic. But I’ve come to embrace that side of my writing. Anyway, I was just failing for ways to begin this article. Now that it has begun I can concentrante on getting to the point.

Today I announced to the world that I am leaving my position as lead front-end developer at Bloglovin. I’ve had two amazing years at the company. I’ve met tons of new cool people. I’ve gotten to experience New York, many times! And I’ve learned a shit load of stuff. Even though the company had existed for five years before I joined I still got to be there when things really took off. I joined right as the team started to expand beyond the five founders (fantastic people all of them) and just as we opened our New York office. It has been a hell of a ride and I’ve been honored to be a part of building a product used by millions of people (I’ve yet to actually grasp that notion — “millions”).

I have always had lots of own ideas of things I want to build. On my desktop there’s a long list of app ideas and services that I’ve never really had the time or energy to build. My plan now is to do freelancing to support the implementation of one or many of those ideas. I’d like to be known as a great indie developer.

As always when one leaves what has become a group of dear friends there’s a touch (a lot) of sadness involved. But at the same time I am super excited for the future. My last day at Bloglovin will be the 22nd of May and I’ve already got some work lined up that I’m excited to get started on.

(The title, of course, is referencing the heated discussions I will be having with clients about making text blink and IE6 support!)